
Update To Date.

In the work life things are going slow. I've worked a total of 9 hours so far this week.
Work is really slow so they've let a lot of people go home early or have extra days off.
I mean this is nice, honestly because it's summer and the weather out side is irresistible.
But unfortunately Mother Nature isn't paying my rent next semester.
Along with work being slow, this may have opened up an opportunity to go...
to LAKE POWELL!!! Can you believe it?
I don't want to get my hopes up because it's still not for sure. (ah my hopes are already to the moon)
I literally have not been able to sleep lately, I lay there thinking about Powell and how sad I am that this is most likely the last year and I could miss it. That kills me inside. I sound so lame.
But if you've been to Lake Powell, you know where I'm coming from.
I just want to be there. All the time.
Nothing new really. Just workin' and living summer up.

Happy Wednesday!

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